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:: history of physical education ::


  History of physical education in IUST

    Before 1983, all the educational affairs (phys, Ed.1-2) andintramural activities pertaining to physical education and sports were supervised as one unit, under the name of physical education administration, managed by one of the educational group members. Structurally, this office was considered a subordinate of the student Deputy. In 1983 along with the changes made to the employment status of the personnel involved in education, the educational staff was promoted from specialists to faculty.

  Memmbers, separated from the student Deputy and incorporated into the department of fundamental science.

  in this phase, however, because of the limited number of students and educational activities, educational as well as intramural  programs were still planned by the physical education administration.

  As student population increased, so did the need for educational intrameural programs, A new structure for the organization of physical education deemed inevitable, for that matter faculty members and office staff proposed the establishment of a deputy in this section to pursue intramural affaires, This matter did not however, get  approved due to the monetary limitations to pay the wages of the prospective staff, according to presiding rules.

  The two divisions therefor, remained separate. Since then, the gap between two divisions gradually developed until it reached its peak when the IUST sports facilities were delegated to the organization of physical education and sports, a period whose feature was the dominance of a non- sports manager over the physical education office.

  Its direct reflection was a tremendous decline in the performance of varsity teams in to other universities.


  1. Approximately 1500 students participated in the phys. Ed. 1 and 2 courses once a week.

  2. Varsity teams, if ideally formed and active, can take part in the athletic activities pertaining to their discipline at least twice a week.

  3. An average of 500 female students are active in ten women's sport.

  4. An average of 600 male students are active in 20 men's sports.


  a.Three hundred  employers participate regularly in intramural activities at least once a week.

  b. Fifty faculty members participate in intramural activities once a week.


  Opportunities to Actualize the programs.

  1.Proportional availability of proper facilities to accomplish the programs.

  2.Availability of fresh resources on the part of students to form sports teams.

  3.Building strong relationships with governmental officials to complete sports projects.

  4.Cainnig financial benefits from sports facilities and physical education activities.






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Department of Physical Education

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