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  Operations resulting in offering services

  Creating a sports agenda for a complete year

  Forecasting the required budget for a fiscal year

  Scheduling and organizing events in order to optimize the use of facilities

  Holding several sport's events on campus and within the dormitories for the students

  Attempting to develop indoor and outdoor sport's facilities

  Increasing outdoor sport's activities


  Selecting teams and preparing them for championship competitions

  Selecting teams and preparing them ifor regional competitions

  Hosting sport events for the university employees

  Selecting different sport associations


Working specifics

Dominant Characters

Having a capable, experienced manager Having reliable and dutiful personnel
Having a responsible, experienced and suitable staff Pursuing distinguished and proper goals
 Following a clear, suitable objective Planning on approachable ways to defined target
Developing a plan in order to reach the general goal Persistin on educational-recreational prospects
  Having a fun-educational basis Emphasizing on responsibility and righteousness
 Having responsibilities and a specific list of duties Proceeding on basis of ordained regulation
   Operating based on defined rules and regulations Maintaining an inventive disposition
 Considering the clients satisfaction Having an experenced merited manager
 Having an innovative and open mind

   A brief overview of the physical education department's activities

  Three weekly sessions of volleyball throughout the year

  Two weekly sessions of handball

  Three weekly sessions of soccer through the year

  Two weekly sessions of futsal

  Two weekly sessions of basketball

  Two weekly sessions of swimming

  Two weekly sessions of kung fu

  Two weekly sessions of judo

  Two weekly sessions of karate

  Two weekly sessions of taekwondo

  Three weekly sessions of track and field throughout the year

  Three weekly sessions of archery

  Three weekly sessions of shooting

  Three weekly sessions of badminton throughout the year

  Three weekly sessions of wrestling

  Three weekly sessions of table-tennis through the year

  Three weekly sessions of tennis

  Three weekly sessions of chess throughout the year

  Three weekly sessions of rock climbing

  Dart throughout the year

  Three weekly sessions of fencing

  Weight training throughout the year

  Two weekly sessions of weight lifting

  General fitness through the year

  Three weekly sessions of self defense

  Cycling throughout the year

  Physical fitness through the year

  Seventeen mountain climbing events through the year





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Department of Physical Education

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